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Distribution Strategy for Our Collection
With 250 traits already scored, you can now bucket these NFTs based on Rarity Scores (calculated from trait frequency and trait weighting). Here's a breakdown:
Common (50%)
NFTs with traits/combos that are highly frequent.
Example: Trait combinations appearing in 5,000 NFTs.
Uncommon (25%)
NFTs with mid-tier rarity scores.
Example: Trait combos found in 2,500 NFTs.
Rare (15%)
NFTs that include traits appearing less frequently.
Example: Trait combos appearing in 1,500 NFTs.
Epic (8%)
NFTs with combinations of very low-frequency traits.
Example: Traits showing up in 800 NFTs.
Legendary (1-2%)
Ultra-rare NFTs with extremely unique combinations of traits.
Example: Traits appearing in 200 NFTs or fewer.
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